Personal photograph of myself in Shenandoah National Park.  Taken at Millers Head Lookout.

About Me

Born and raised in the Midwest, I currently reside in Lake County Illinois. There are many trails, forest preserves, and state parks near my home to enjoy. I also make frequent visits to Wisconsin to visit family, friends, vacation, and the occasional cycling trip too. When traveling cross country, I prefer to travel by car to take in the sights along the way. There are still a great many National Parks in the United States I would like to visit.

My formal education is in mechanical engineering from Valparaiso University. I also have a background in graphic design.  My interest in photography started as a child, but I did not start exploring 3D computer generated digital art until college. My primary focus in both art and photography is the landscape in its various forms.  While I may dabble in other artistic forms of expression, I always return the landscape. Expanding into astrophotography is also a key driver in choosing where and when I go to certain locations. People say that riding a road bike with cars buzzing by you just a few feet away is crazy. I say that astrophotography can be just as adventurous. That is a story for another time.

My artistic works have been displayed at the Brauer Museum of Art, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, and numerous leadership seminars and conferences for District 30 Toastmasters. I have received honorable mentions in the 2020 and 2021 International Photography Awards.
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