
IPA 2020 Awards

November 27, 2020

The IPA, International Photography Awards, announced their 2020 category winners today.

I received Honorable Mention for two works.

International Photography Awards 2020 Honorable Mention award seal

Nature - Astrophotography (Non-Professional)

Vertical landscape photo.   Silhouette tree line rises from left to right against star filled sky.  Core of milky way galaxy is visible rising above pine trees overhead.
Canyon by Starlight

Special - Panorama / Panoramic (Non-Professional)

Horizontal landscape photo. On an autumn day clouds against a bright blue sky float over the Grand Teton mountain range.  A panoramic view of the shadows dancing across the mountain face, with trees and brush in the foreground in bright fall colors.
Grand Teton Wide Autumn Panoramic
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