First of several visits to Cave Point County Park, and Whitefish Dunes State Park in Door County Wisconsin. Over time I will post other visits and you can compare how things change with time or how the landscape looks at various times of the day. It is amazing how quickly things can change either due to human or natural intervention. While originally in tended to capture the beauty of the landscape some of these photographs also capture the history of how things looked and how no one will ever be able to see these things this way again.
The photograph is taken inside Cave Point County Parklooking South along the Lake Michigan shoreline. It captures some of the wavescrashing against the rocks along the shore.
Pines overlooking the cove and entrance to one of the caves from which Cave Point County Park derives its name.
A solitary pine stands guard over the entrance to the cove to the cave entrance at Cave Point County Park.
The cairns used to be located North of Cave Point County Park along the shoreline. These were set up by visitors over time. There were hundreds of cairns set up here, but park officials have taken them down and now signs are posted directing visitors not to set up anymore, so you will not find them anymore. Another, testament to how landscapes can change with time, either due to human or natural interventions.
A photograph of another cairn sculpture along the Lake Michigan shoreline.
Third and final photograph of cairn sculpture along the Lake Michigan shoreline. This was the amongst the tallest of the cairns along the shore at the time. The danger of cairns falling over, and injuring visitors is the reason for their removal.
If you look closely and compare Cave Point South Shore and Cave Point Pines, you might be able to get your orientation with this photograph. Taken at the southern edge of Cave Point County Park looking North you can make out the pine trees at the entrance to the cove.
Lake Michigan shoreline photograph now once again in Whitefish Dunes State Park but this time South of Cave Point County Park. Note that these areas do not have official names so I will use my own names on repeat visits to indicate photographing in the same location.
Waves crashing against the rocks and boulders along the Lake Michigan shoreline. I have found that this area of the park is particularly popular for shooting engagement photos.
The name is derived from all the small rocks below the surface along the shore in this location.
Beautiful turquoise waters. Usually only find these in the Caribbean so nice to see up North.
Small bay or cove along the shore. The further South the cliffs get shorter and eventually there is a beach but that is in another gallery.
Final photograph in this gallery collection. Whitefish Dunes State Park shore continues further South, but this is as far as I ventured on this occasion.